

Based on our many years of experience, we have developed a tried and tested solution for significantly meaningful research and analysis of relevant target groups. Using quantitative and qualitative methods we are generating valuable insights on perception, moods, opinions, behaviour patterns, needs and trends for you and your businesses.

myfeedback is specifically aiming at understanding customers, employees as well as business partners with the objective of gaining a precise and better insight into your own business and its services. We are making the voices of your target groups heard, research extensively yet always with great sensibility in order to obtain concrete answers to your questions. Online, by telephone, at all relevant touch-points on site, anonymously or in personal talks. Together with you we select the best solutions thereafter. You benefit from an honest feedback, receive significant and conclusive findings und in consequence relevant and concrete knowledge in order to take the right decisions to improve your employee and customer experience, identify growth potential, increase productivity, improve and optimise processes and generate novel ideas. Make use of this valuable potential at hand in order to unveil hidden opportunities.

Honest answers, profound insights, concrete results, completely different, novel ideas. We know that meaningful and conclusive feedback is essential for each and every business in order to always be that step ahead. You too?


Auf Basis unserer langjährigen Erfahrung, haben wir eine praxiserprobte Lösung zur aussagekräftigen Erforschung relevanter Zielgruppen entwickelt. Mit quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden generieren wir für Sie wertvolle Erkenntnisse über Wahrnehmungen, Stimmungen, Meinungen, Verhalten, Bedürfnisse und Trends.

Ehrliche Antworten, tiefe Einblicke, konkrete Ergebnisse, völlig neue Ideen. Wir wissen, dass aussagekräftiges Feedback für jedes Unternehmen wichtig ist, um wirklich gut zu sein. Sie auch?

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