Analogue customer requirements in a digital world

Good service starts with respecting the customer

“Service” in English is a rather obvious and unmistakable term. In German, however, it apparently seems a little trickier. Service, with emphasis on the first syllable is representative for all kinds of services to customers.

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Analogue customer requirements in a digital world

Analogue customer requirements in a digital world

The far-reaching digitalization of our life which has since been reduced to time dedicated to our career versus leisure time, is the revolutionary yet at the same time dogmatic myth of our times. In the name of computerization that has gradually evolved into an ideology, we are not only faced with predictions, but also promises or even threats of a rapidly growing transformation.

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Do it yourself

Do it yourself – who still needs employees?

They are not getting paid, they don’t need an office or a works council. Many businesses wish they had such employees. Surprise – they do! They’ve actually been around for even longer than commonly assumed and they’re more productive than ever. In steadily increasing numbers they are coping with already familiar challenges and beyond that they are trying to complete necessary tasks in new areas of activity. There’s just one thing – they’re not called employees but customers.

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The digital transformation of employees

If you type the words „digital transformation" into the google search bar you will get 12.900.000 results, with „Industry 4.0" you will receive 38.900.000 search results, and if you search in "Internet of things" you will be presented with a whopping 199.000.000 search hits. One can therefore reasonably assume that things are happening.

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The secret unveiled! What customers really want.

We may refer to them as the baby boomer generation, X, Y or Z, we may reverently call them the “digital natives”,we may try to classify them according to typologies, such as traditional, modern, post-modern, however, there is one thing that applies to all: customers have become more demanding than ever before, because in today’s “web age” they have access to a seemingly endless range of online offers 24/7.

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The power of employees

A company is only then successful if it understands its people. Probably a seemingly trite finding, yet – how does a company arrive at that sort of understanding and what group of people is being referred to? The customers, one would respond immediately, and that’s correct, of course, however, the company’s employees are playing an enormously important role too.

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Customer delight

When was the last time you were truly impressed by a company– as a customer that is? Yeah? When, where and why? Just the fact alone that you had to think for a while – or perhaps even have to think about it still – is proof enough of the sad reality that all’s not well in the much hyped about and strongly proclaimed “era of the customer” – well the quintessential ‘golden era of the customer’.

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